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1st Bachelor in Physiotherapy

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
General pathology

Education and psychomotor reeducation and applications

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBELLEFROID, Muriel; Brennenraedt, Cédric; D'ODEMONT, Grégoire; Grandjean, François-Xavier; KLINKENBERG, Séverine; Pasquasy, Nathalie; PERILLEUX, Isabelle; Rouxhet, Charlotte; SOLTANI, Karim; TOUSSAINT, Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To make the students aware of the different means of action of the psychomotor education.


Introduction :

· What is the psychomotricity ?

· Psychomotor development of the child.

. The body scheme.

· The tonic function:  The relaxation,

                                  the posture control,

                                  the action tonus.

· The motivity development.

. The perceptives aptitudes.

. The laterality.

. The spatial structuring

. The temporal structuring.


DELIEVRE, B., et STAES, L., La psychomotricité au service de l’enfant, De Boeck et Belin,2000.

DELIEVRE, B., et STAES, L., La psychomotricité au service de l’enfant (notions et applications pédagogiques), De Boeck et Belin, 2000.

DE MEUR A., STAES L., Psychomotricité. Education et rééducation, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1991.

FRANCOTTE M., Eduquer par le mouvement, De Boeck, 1999.

LACOMBE, J., Le développement de l’enfant de la naissance à 7 ans, Approche théorique et activités corporelles, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1996.

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

Continuous evaluation. Project. Question.


Methodology and training of physical exercise, sports applied to the handicapped

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffBrennenraedt, Cédric; BROUWERS, Michaël; DEGOTTE, Maryse; DEMEZ, Geoffrey; FLORKIN, Marc; Maraite, Anne-Aymone
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Personal experience of physical activities.

Knowledge of the methodology of exercise and sports.

Aims and Objectives

To know the aims and objectives and the effects of physical exercises, their different forms and their working method.

Develop the capacities of the student to organize and to conduct physical exercise sessions.

Put the student in a situation of applying the theoretical knowledge acquired during the methodology.

Allow the student to adapt the exercises to the capacity level of the patient


Evolution of the concept of gymnastics and its place in the area of medicine and physiotherapy.

Training for the main forms of motor solicitation.

Techniques and health training

Development of a thematic session.

Explanation and justification of the choices and of the aims and objectives of the exercises.

Comand work.

Drafting of a session.

Correction of the exercises.

Use of the different forms of organization and working methods.

Adaptation of the exercises to the capacity level of the patient.


AMADE-ESCOT, Ch., Didactique de l éducation physique et sportive, Etat de recherche, Ed. Revue Education Physique Sportive, 2002.

FAMOSE, J.P. et al, L’apprentissage moteur, Revue E.P.S.I.1991.

PIERON, M., Pédagogie des activités physiques et du sport, Revue E.P.S.I., 1991.

TEMPRADO, J.J, Apprentissage moteur. Quelques données actuelles. Revue E.P.S.I., N°267, 1997.

VRIJENS, J, L’entraînement raisonné du sportif, Ed. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1991.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Education and psychomotor reeducation including mobilisation

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffQUERTAIN, Sébastien
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To initiate with the theoretical basic concepts and the modes of reasoning specific to psychomotor rehabilitation

To discover the importance of the concept development within the framework of psychomotor rehabilitation


Psychomotricity : introduction

Motor and psychomotor development (laws, postural development, locomotion, gripping, motor coordination)

Cognitive development by Piaget

Body diagram

Spatial structuring


Temporal structuring


Dolle, J.-M., Pour comprendre Piaget, Privat, Paris, 1974.

Illingworth, R-S., Développement psychomoteur de l’enfant, Masson, Paris, 1978.

Lacombe, J., Le développement de l’enfant de la naissance à 7 ans, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1996.

Masson, S., Généralités sur la rééducation psychomotrice et l’examen, PUF, Paris, 1983.

Paoletti, R., Education et motricité, l’enfant de 2 à 8 ans, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1999.

Pick L., Vayer, P., Education psychomotrice et arriération mentale, Doin, Paris, 1978

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffETIENNE, Laurence
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basis of anatomy

Aims and Objectives

Understand therapeutical advantages and mechanisms of massage 's manoeuvre.


1. Differents massage 's technical:

- classical technicals

- Indications and effects of massage

- tools of massage

2. Massage effects :

· Psychological effects

· Physiological effects

3. Special technicals

4. Reflexion about classical technicals


CLAY, J.H., POUNDS, D.M., Massothérapie clinique: incluant l'anatomie et le traitement, Maloine, Paris, 2003

DUFOUR, M., Massage et massothérapie, effets techniques et applications, Ed. Maloine, Paris, 1999.

BOIGEY, M., Manuel de massage, 5ème édition, Ed. Masson, Paris, 1989.

NETTER F.H., Atlas d'anatomie humaine, Maloine 2ème édition, New Jersey, 1997.

SOBOTTA, URBAN et SCHARTZENBERG, Atlas d'anatomie humaine T1, T2, EMI, Paris, 1994.

STORCK, U., Technique du massage: précis pédagogique, Maloine, Paris, 2007.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Massotherapy - applications

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBELLEFROID, Muriel; BRUYERE, Nathalie; BULLY, Muriel; DUBUISSON, Marie-Anne; HUPPERTZ, Michèle; LAROCK, Caroline; LEDOUX, Anne-Françoise; Rouxhet, Charlotte; SOLTANI, Karim; TOUSSAINT, Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To acquire the knowledge and the ability of carrying out the workings of the basic massage.

To know the effects of the various massage technicals.


Training of the various traditional massages.

Shavings, kneadings, rubbing frictions, sandpaperings, vibrations, percussions for the superiors, inferiors limbs, and for the back.

Scar massage.


BOIGEY M., Manuel de massage, 5ème édition, MASSON, Paris,1989

CLAY J.H., POUNDS D.M., Massothérapie clinique, éd. Maloine, Paris, 2003.

DUFOUR M. et coll., Massage et massothérapie, effets, techniques et applications, éd. Maloine, Paris.1999.

PETERSON KENDALL F., KENDALL Mc CREARY E., GEISE PROVANCE P., Les muscles: bilan et étude fonctionnels, anomalies et douleurs posturales,  Pradel, Malmaison, 2001.

WOOD E.C. et BECKER P.D., Le massage, Paris, Masson, 1984

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Hygiene and health education

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffPasquasy, Nathalie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic concepts of chemistry and biology

Aims and Objectives

To know about virology and bacteriology (diseases, mechanisms of propagation and organization of prevention.

To know the principles of a balanced food.


Bacteriology – virology


· The pathogenic role of the bacteria

· Mechanisms of the pathogenic capacity

· Transmission channels of the infection

· Clinical evolution of an infectious disease

· Antibiotics

The viruses

. Virus diseases

· Vaccination and vaccination diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases

Nosocomial diseases and their prevention

Food : traditional food principles

Principles of health education


L. HUGARD. Petit précis : infectiologie et hygiène. Lamarre, 2009, 220p

J. GROSJEAN, D. CLAVE, M. ARACHAMBAUD, C. PASQUIER. Bactériologie et virologie pratique. de boeck, 283p

 L. CHEVALIER. Nutrition, principes et conseils, Masson, 2009, 254p

 L'Education du patient au secours de la médecine, PUF, Paris, 2000

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits7
Number of Hours (h/year)75
Teaching staffJACQUET, Dominique; MOTTART, Patricia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know thoroughly osteology, the arthrology, myology of the appendical and axial skeleton (except the head). To be concerned with the functional interest of the structures and anatomical provisions

To know the macroscopic description of spinal cord and brain


Elements of general anatomy

Osteology, arthrology, myology of the trunk

Osteology, arthrology of the upper extremity and the lower limb

Plexuses, the autonomic nervous system and the macroscopic description of spinal cord and brain


DEPREUX R., Anatomie, schémas de travaux pratiques, fascicule 5, Vigot, 1997.

KAPANDJI, I.A., Physiologie Articulaire, 3 tomes, Ed. Maloine, Paris, 1987.

KENDALL F., KENDALL E., GERSI P., Les muscles: bilan et étude fonctionnelle, 4ème éd., Pradel, Paris, 1995.

LIBERSA., Cl, Anatomie, Myologie, Angéiologie, Névrologie topographie, Vol 3-4 , Ed.Vigot, Paris, 1999.

OLIVIER , G., Anatomie, Ostéologie, Arthrologie, vol 1-2, Ed. Vigot, 1999.

ROUVIERE, H., DELMAS, A., Anatomie Humaine, trois tomes, 12° édition, Ed. Masson, Paris, 1985.

SOBOTTA, Atlas Anatomie humaine, Ed. Médicales Internationales, 1994.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Biology – Histology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffRICHARD, Marie-Joëlle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Elementary biology

Aims and Objectives

To acquire knowledge on the eukaryotic animal cell as well on the used vocabulary as on the role of the various elements which constitute it. All this allowing a better comprehension of the phenomenon “life”.


Molecular biology :

· Inorganic and organic components of the « living matter ».

· DNA replication

· Expression of genetic information

· Regulation of the expression of the genetic message

Cell structure and physiology :

· Cellular periphery and transmembrane transports.

· Cytoplasm and cellular machinery

· The cell nucleus and the flow of genetic information.

· The cell cycle and its regulation.

Genetics :

· Definitions

· Mendel’s laws and exceptions

· Mutations

· Exercices

Histology :

· Epithelial tissue.

· Connective tissue ( loose, dense, cartilage, bone and ossification, growth and remodeling of bone, blood )

· Nerve tissue

Muscular tissue.


BROUSSAL G., VIAUD P., Exercices et problèmes de génétique,

Médecine-Sceinces, Ed. Flammarion, 1997.

CAMPBELL, Biologie, Ed. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1995.

COOPER, La cellule, Ed. De Boeck Université, 1999.

GRIFFITHS-MILLER, SUZUKI-LEWONTIN-GELBART, Introduction à l'analyse génétique, Ed. De Boeck Université, 1997.

STEVEN, LOWE, Histologie humaine, Ed. De Boeck Université, 1997.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Chemistry – Biochemistry

ECTS Credits5
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffGEORGE, Isabelle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of elementary chemistry

Aims and Objectives

To be able to :

  • Argue with fundamental notions of life chemistry and biochemistry.
  • Understand and explain the main metabolisms and their interconnections.
  • Make relation between catabolism and body energy production.

Explain with chemistry references why the body energy used by the muscle.


Microscopic and macroscopic world : quantity of matter and concentration.

Dynamic equilibriums.

Chemical bonding.


Solutions, colloids, suspension - colligative properties and solutions of the body

Thermodynamic’s and kinetic’s laws.

Chemical reactions.

Compounds of biological interest - structure and metabolism


FEIGL, D.M.,et al, Foundation of live, Macmillan New York et MACMILLAN, Canada, 1991.

Mc CARRIE, D.A. et ROCK, P.A., Chimie générale, Ed. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2001.

NELSON D. L., COX M. M., Lehninger principles of biochemistry, New York, NY : worth publishers, 2000

HART, H.; CRAINE, L.; HART, D., J.; HADAD, Ch.; LIAO, N. dans Chimie Organique Tomes 1 et 2 2008 Dunod, Paris.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

General and special physiology and physiology of the movement including neurophysiology

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffDEGOTTE, Maryse; MOTTART, Patricia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic concepts of physics, chemistry.

Aims and Objectives

To know the anatomic and physiological aspects of the nervous and muscular system, their operations in order to integrate these concepts in the courses of motor rehabilitation


Cellular physiology:

· Cellular compartments

· Cellular organelles

· Movements of the molecules

Physiology of the nervous system

· Neurosciencres in the past, nowadays, and in the future

· Neurons and other nervous cells

. membrane of the neuron at the rest

. potential of action

. synaptic transmission

. neurotranmitters

. the motricity ways, the sensitive ways and the reflexes

Muscular physiology

The striated skeletal muscle (structure, properties, functions, mechanism of contraction, energic metabolism)



MARIEB, E.M., Physiologie et anatomie humaine, Ed. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2000.

Mark F. Bear , Barry W. Connors, Michael A. Paradisio, Neurosciences, à la découverte du cerveau, Edition Pradel, 3 ème éd., 2006

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Biomechanics - Analysis of the movement - Ergonomics

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffJACQUET, Dominique; MOTTART, Patricia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Elementary concepts of physics

Aims and Objectives

The student will be able to consider all the elements of a biomechanical and muscular analysis of a human static attitude.


Some forces:

· Gravity

· Muscles

Simple Machines:

· Levers

· Single pulley

Muscles chains

Balance of the human body

Analyse of attitudes


ALLARD, P., et BLANCHI, J.P., Analyse du mouvement humain par la biomécanique, Decarie, Quebec, 1986.

HAINAUT K., Introduction à la biomécanique, Maloine, Paris, 1976.

KAPANDJI A., Physiologie articulaire, Fasc. I, II, III, Maloine, Paris, 1997.

TUBIANA R., THOMINE J.M., La main, anatomie fonctionnelle et examen clinique, Masson, Paris, 1990.

WILLIAMS, et al, Biomécanique du mouvement humain, Decarie, Quebec, 1986.

WOESTYN., J., Etude du mouvement, tome 1, la mécanique, Ed. Maloine, Paris, 1977.

WOESTYN, J., Anatomie fonctionnelle (tome 2), Ed. Maloine, Paris 1977

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Human biometrics

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffHASARD, Andrée
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Define the different biometric measurements, somatic and functional, used by the physiotherapist.

Describe the methodology, the interests and the factors of variation of these measurements.

Insist on their interpretation and the choice of norms.

Explain growth and senescence and the classification of the different human types.

Introduce the evaluation of pain.

Through the different chapters, show all the importance and complexity of a correct evaluation.



  • Definition, and fields of utilisation of biometrics.
  • Morphological examination of a person in orthostatic position.
  • Anthropometrical measurements and  body composition
  • Growth and senescence
  • Vertebral measurements.
  • Classification of the different human types
  • Evaluation of pain



BETHOUX F., CALMELS P., Guide des outils de mesure et d'évaluation en médecine physique et de réadaptation, Frison-Roche, Paris 2003.

COLE B., FINCH E., GOWLAND C., MAYO N., Instruments de mesure des résultats en réadaptation physique, Canada.

DIMEGLIO A., La croissance chez l’enfant, Sauramps, Monpellier, 1991.

DIMEGLIO A., Croissance en orthopédie, Sauramps, Montpellier 1991

GEDDA M., Décision kinésithérapique, Masson, Paris 2001.

HARICLAURE P., MEDELI S., Tests d' aptitude et tests d'effort, Chiron , Paris 2002.

VANDERVAEL F., Biométrie humaine, Desoer, Liège 1980.

VIBERT J-F, SEBILLE A., LAVALLARD-ROUSSEAU M-C, BOUREAU F., Neurophysiologie De la physiologie à l'exploration fonctionnelle, Paris 2005.

WILMORE J., COSTILL D., Physiologie du sport et de l'exercice, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, 2006

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Human biometrics respiratory

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffDelvaux, Laurence; Hermans, Pierre; LABYE, Philippe; Mutsers, Sylvie; PARMENTIER, Isabelle; TOUSSAINT, Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives


 By the end of the courses, the students have to be able to :

  • Observe and measure the lung ventilation(breakdown) of a healthy subject (Biometrics of the thorax and the vertebral column, E.F.R)To understand(include) the ventilatoire mechanics and to estimate from the results(profits) spirométriques the possible ventilatoires disorders(confusions) ( restrictive and obstructive syndrome)T
  • Understand(include) the ventilatoire mechanics and to estimate from the results(profits) spirométriques the possible ventilatoires disorders(confusions) ( restrictive, obstructive and mixed syndrome)
  • Analyse the real patients'condition
  • Be able to stand back to judge his/her own work to improve dramatically their handling techniques

The Human biometrics respiratory classes are based on the students' willingness to combine theory with practical experience.

The training is made up of:

 - Basic theory knowledge about the following subjects: Knowledges ostéologiques, myologiques and physiological of the respiratory system, the notions of ventilatoire mechanics, purposes and basic principles of an index card(form) of coverage(care) of a patient and specific terminology.

 -  Practical exercises (individually or in groups) whose aims are:

- to be able to learn properly, to evaluate et to evaluate oneself

- to analyse spontaneous observation

- to inculcate a specific case history "ROM"  to treat the patients

- to try to repeat and reproduce the handling techniques taught during the classes 

- to compare what was observed during the real handling experiences and, perhaps, to change the notions learnt until then

The exercises done during the classes (method Paul Dotte) could be found as schemes in the reference book. The students will get an exhaustive list of the things they must know.


-  Reflexive exercises: the students need to stand back to judge their own work as far as their  training courses are concerned. Thanks to the process of self-criticism links between theory and practical exercises could be established and the students are thus able to improve their own handling.



-         M.Antonello et D.Delplanque, Comprendre la kinésithérapie respiratoire. Du diagnostic au projet thérapeutique, Ed. Masson 2009.

-         G.Postiaux, Kinésithérapie respiratoire de l’enfant, De Boeck, 2003

-         A.Ramé et S.Thérond, Anatomie et physiologie, Elsevier Masson 2007

-         G.Reychler, J.Roseler et P.Deleguste, Kinésithérapie respiratoire, Elsevier Masson  Bruxelles 2009.

-         Gray’s, Anatomie médicale, Ed. Masson, Paris 2009

-         G.J.Tortora et S.R. Grabowski, Principes d’anatomie et de physiologie, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles 2000.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Theory courses and practical training (to observe and to combine theory and patents , to learn the specific gesture to adopt and to learn from clinical cases)

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations

The certificative and formative appraisal is based on the student’s ability to think about his/her future handling.

Each student will be asked to reproduce handling exercises, receiving specific orders and instructions.

The certificative consists of the following appraisal :   5/10 :oral exam and practical exercises ; 5/10 written examen.


Physical training and sports

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffBrennenraedt, Cédric; BROUWERS, Michaël; DEMEZ, Geoffrey; EVRARD, Frédéric; Guckel, Bruno; HASARD, Andrée; SOLTANI, Karim
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Physical integrity, to be able to swim.

Aims and Objectives

To experiment and to develop personal experience through physical training and sports activities and to promote health education.


Physical activities of health education.

Use of comprehensive and analytical methodology in sports activities.

Aquatic and nautical activities..

Adapted physical education and sports.



Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials
Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment


ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffLetawe, Géraldine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Elementary notions of physics and mathematics

Aims and Objectives

To be able to :

  • Recognize links between different physical quantities and techniques of physiotherapy.
  • Modelize problems and solve them in simple terms.

Physics in relation with physiotherapy.

Vectorial calculus : definitions and properties of vectors.

Kinematics : general equations of motions.

Dynamics : notions of force and related quantities; Newton laws.

Work – Energy – Power

Statics : levers – pulleys.



Elastic properties of materials.

Surface phenomenons.



Kane, J., Sternheim, M., Physique, Ed. Dunod, 1999.


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Problems solved during lessons.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

General and clinical psychology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Joelle; DUMOULIN, Françoise; FRANCOIS, Christine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

The students will understand behavior in order to take in global charge the person ( in his physical, psychological and social aspects).

The communication in a pluridisciplinary team will be possible ( doctor, physiotherapist...) by mastering a specific vocabulary.


Definition of psychology.

The determinings of behavior.

A few great movements :

  • Experimental
  • Psychanalytic
  • Social approach a behavior

A few explicative theories of intelligence.

Learning processes.


BOIRON, Ch., La source du bonheur est dans notre cerveau, Ed.Albin Michel, Paris, 1998.

DE BONIS, M., Connaître les émotions humaines, Ed. Mardaga, Sprimont, 1996.

FELDMAN, R.S., et al, Introduction à la psychologie, approches contemporaines, Mc Graw-Hill, Montréal, 1994.

FOURNIER, J.M, et al, La psychologie et ses domaines, Ed. Du Cerf, Paris, 1978.

TAVRIS Carol et WADE Carole Introduction à la psychologie (les grandes perspectives)

Ed. de boeck 1999

LIEURY, A., Manuel de psychologie générales, Ed. Dunod (2ème édition), Paris, 1997.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Education and functional reeducation

ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffHAVARD, Véronique
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To pose the theoric bases on which rest physiotherapy.

To know the technicals of a functional reeducation, their effects, their indications and counters indications


The technicals of active and passive physiotherapy and their effects on tissues : bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscles.

The immobility and its consequences.

The upright station and the walk.

The part of physiotherapist in geriatrics.

The technicals of the functional reeducation of the inferior and superior limbs.

The complementary investigations


Crépon, F, Electrophysiothérapie et rééducation fonctionnelle, Frison-Roche, Paris.

Lacôte, M., et al, Evaluation clinique de la fonction musculaire, Maloine, Paris.

Kendall, F, Les muscles. Bilan et étude fonctionnelle, Maloine, Paris.

PIERRON G. et al, Kinésithérapie du membre inférieur(n°1), du membre supérieur (n°3), du tronc et de la tête (n°4), Flammarion Médecine-Sciences.

XHARDEZ Y., Vade-mecum de kinésithérapie et rééducation fonctionnelle, Maloine.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Education and functional reeducation and applications

ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)75
Teaching staffBELLIEVRE, Marie-Pierre; BULLY, Muriel; Cerasoli, Alfred; Collet, Christophe; CORNET, Xavier; D'ODEMONT, Grégoire; Dols, Pascale; DOZO, Myrèse; EVRARD, Nathalie; JACQUET, Dominique; KESTENS, Michel; LEDOUX, Anne-Françoise; MERCENIER, Caroline
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Knowledge in anatomy and analysis of movement

Aims and Objectives

On the base of theorical datas ( ex. : anatomy, analysis of moving and functional education) and observation ( documents and demonstrations), allow the student to accomplish the first gestual competences in order to practice cleverly.

Make the student get a specific way of doing : how to touch, how to measure and practice the movement. Understanding is very important to organize a treatment in a specific pattern adapted to the patient.


Touch and determine the bones.

Settle and organize observations ( testings and measures), steading and moving joints.

Workstops and axes of the movement.

Passive mobilizations.

Active mobilizations.

Muscular estimations of the hips, the pelvis, the knee, the ankle, the scapulum and shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and hand.


Kapandji, I-A, Physiologie articulaire, Tome 1, 2, 3, Maloine, Paris, 1979.

LefeVre, PH., ET Bauthier, J.P., Traité d’anatomie de la théorie à la pratique palpatoire, 3 tomes, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1990.Peterson Kendall, ET AL, Les muscles, bilan et étude fonctionnelle, Maloine, Paris, 1998

HOPPENFEED S., Examen clinique des membres et du rachis, Masson, Paris, 1984.

Teaching and Learning MethodsTutorials

Practical activities

Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Continuous assessment

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