2nd Bachelor in Dietetics


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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)40
Teaching staffKLINKENBERG, Isabelle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Organic chemistry, Nutrition, culinary technology and hygiene course of year 1.

Aims and Objectives

To know all edible food and foodstuffs, to control technology (industrial and/or artisanal), to deduce and justify the possible adequacy of their consumption, the possible risks which are bound to it and this for any individual whatever their age, their ethnic origin, their health condition


Proteins containing food.

Lipids containing food.

Glucid containing food.

Fruit and vegetables.


Herbs, condiments and spices.

Mixed: mushrooms, algae, alicaments...


YEAGER S., Guide des alicaments, Ed. Marabout, 2000

CHEFTEL J-C., Introduction à la biochimie et à la technologie des aliments, Vol. 1 et 2, Ed. Technique et Documentation, 1976

TOUSSAINT - SAMAT, Histoire Naturelle & Morale de la nourriture, Ed.Bordas culture, 1987.

L’encyclopédie des aliments, France Loisirs, Paris, 1996.

BECHER D., Fruits et légumes exotiques, Comment ça se mange?, La Compagnie du Livre, 1994.

LERAUT P., Les champignons dans leur milieu, Ed. Bordas, 1993

LE BELLEC F. & RENARD V., Le grand Livre des fruits Tropicaux, .Ed. Orphie, 1999

BULTJER U., Le guide complet des Herbes et épices, Ed. Chantecler, 1998.

NEYRAT P., Les produits du marché, Ed. Larousse – Bordas, 1998.

COHEN J.M., LEROY P., Savoir manger, Ed. Flammarion, 2006.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

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