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1st Bachelor in Midwifery

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
Hygiène et prophylaxie
Hygiène hospitalière

General principles of health and nursing care

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffHALLET, Nadia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know the various stages of the step in care nurses and to apply them in one’s practice.

To write a research task ( carried out only or in group) of application of the step in care nurses, on the basis of the observation, information collected and library searches.

To identify the various aspects of health, the profession, Virginia HENDERSON's conceptual models (concepts of the 14 needs).


Study of the concept health

Speakers in the health care ( the multi-field team)

Principles of care nurses

  • Tallies of reference
  • The step of care: data-gathering (including observation of the 14 needs), analysis and the interpretation of the data and determination of the 3 types of problems (medical, possible complication, diagnosis male nurse), planning, execution, evaluation.
  • The nurse file

NANDA International, diagnostics infirmiers, définitions et classification, Masson, 2009-2011 / DELCHAMBRE, LEFEVRE, LIGOT, MAINJOT, MARLIERE, MATHIEU, Guide d'observation des 14 besoins de l'être humain, DeBoeck Université, 2008 / A. PASCAL, E. FRECON VALENTIN, Diagnostics infirmiers, interventions, résultats, Ed. Masson, 1998 / MG. RUBENFELD, B.K. SCHEFFER, Raisonnement critique en soins infirmiers, Ed De Boeck, 1999 / ST GERMAIN, Notes au dossier, Ed.de Boeck Université, 2002 / Mc, CLOSKEY, Classification des interventions infirmières, Bulecheck, 1999 / ANAR, GUEGEN, Concepts et théories démarche en soins, nouveaux cahiers de l’infirmière tome 2, 2ème édition, Ed. Masson, 1999 / PHANEUF, Guide d’apprentissage de la démarche en soins, Ed. Masson, 1998

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

From the exercises of observation, analysis starting from fictitious clinical cases

Exercises in training course. Written report.

Assessment MethodsOral examinations


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffHEMELAERS, Laurent
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of cellular physiology

General anatomy of the principal systems

Aims and Objectives

To understand and anticipate the future of a drug basing on conpendium

To understang good and bad effects of each administration way



Developping of a drug

Classification of drugs according to use

Ways of administration

Distribution, metabolism, elimination


Kinetic of drugs

Mode of action drugs (pharmacodynamic)

Drug toxicity

Drug interactions

Response variability


Touitou Y., Pharmacologie, Masson

Lechat P., Abrégé de pharmacologie médicale, Masson, 1978, 682 p



Basic Pharmacology, Understanding drug actions and reactions, Maria A. Hernandez and Appu Rathinevelu CRC Press, 2006

Guide de Pharmacologie, JL Brazier, editions du Renouveau Pédagogique, 2010

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Anthropology and sociology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDISCRY, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To acquire some sociological notions in relation with the professional practice : the cultural dimension of health behaviors, the social inequalities faced with health, the nursing social relation, ...

To nurture a reflection on social behaviors in order to better understand mechanisms that underlie our society.


Introduction to sociology and anthropology

The cultural dimension of behaviors

The cultural diversity within our society

For intercultural nursing care

The social inequalities

The social inequalities faced with health

The nursing social relation


No main reference book; but a lot of book abstracts, articles, feature articles, ...

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Law/Legislation related to profession

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMAES, Marianne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2
Aims and Objectives

Understanding the functioning of a democratic society, the fragility of such a political system and the important role that can play a responsible citizen;

Know the different responsibilities and limitations related to the exercise of the function of nurse

 Understand the impact of acts that we put in the practice of his profession;

  Choose the most appropriate solutions to the challenges ahead and conduct the most appropriate to help patients with difficulties.

 Appropriating the basic concepts, key terms under Labor Law

 Understand and analyze the terms of an employment contract based on the concepts previously discussed

 Appropriating the basic concepts, key terms under the law of social security

 Understand and analyze a situation and possibly help and information on relevant agencies


Introduction to Law

 Notions of constitutional law and public law

 Responsibility: moral, civil, contractual, criminal.

The employment contract The social security of employees

 The social security of self

 Comparison of the two statutes



ALEXANDER Fr., « Notions de droit civil », éd. De Boeck, 1999.

ALEXANDER Fr., « Manuel de législation sociale », éd. De Boeck, 2007.

CHIDIAC M.-J., « Notions de droit constitutionnel », éd. La Procure, 1988.

DELCOUR Fr. et GADEYNE D., « Législation sociale à la portée de tous », Collection formation continue, Office international de librairie, 2007.

DENIS P., « Droit de la sécurité sociale », éd. Larcier, 1986.

HERVE Roland et WAUTHY Emile, « Eléments de droit », éd. La Procure, 1992.

JAMOULLE M., « Le contrat de travail » (t. I et II), Faculté de droit, d’économie et de sciences sociales de l’Université de Liège.

JAMOULLE M., « Seize leçons sur le droit du travail », Collection scientifique de la faculté de Droit de l’Université de Liège.

MARGREZ M., « Le droit de la sécurité sociale », Collection « Tout savoir sur », éd. Story-Scientia, 1990.

MARICQ A. et SOHIER J., « Manuel de droit public », éd. Labor,1995.

TILLEMAN F., « Guide pratique du travail », Editions LannooCampus, 2007.

VANNES V., « Le contrat de travail : aspects théoriques et pratiques », éd. Bruylant, 1996.

VANSWEEVELT T., « La responsabilité des professionnels de la santé », éditions Kluwer, 2000.


Guide de la réglementation sociale pour les entreprises, éd. Kluwer

Guide de législation sociale, FGTB.

Brochures « Clés pour... » publiées par le ministère fédéral de l’emploi et du travail.

Aperçu de la sécurité sociale en Belgique, Ministère de la Prévoyance sociale, Bruxelles, 1987.


Constitution belge.


Journal des tribunaux du travail (J.T.T.), revue hebdomadaire, éd. Larcier










Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Principles of administration

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffDE CRESCENZO, Martin
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To include and know the various aspects of the hospital management.

The student will become aware of the importance of the function of organization, of management and the role of the nurses in the management of care quality.


The hospital : types of services and criteria of programming.

The structure of the nursing department and midwifery department

The evaluation of the nurses’ activity and midwifery activity

The hospital and social security

The communautarization of the care policy

The hospital financing

The hospitalisation

The nursing file

The pharmacy

The elimination of the hospital dustbins

Comparative study : hospitalisation at home and in hospital.


BONNET F., Abrégé de législation hospitalière, ULG, 1990.

Mémento de l’art infirmier, Kluwer, 2001.

Ceuterick G., Duvillier G., La loi sur les hôpitaux, UGA, 6ème édition.

Stinglhamber B., VanderBorght, Savoir et santé, infirmière : genèse et réalité d’une profession, De Boeck université, Bruxelles.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffDUMOULIN, Françoise
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know and understand the patient’s and the nurse’s behaviour and the interactions, to established the most adequate relations between them, helping and increasing the standing for both of them. To analyse the difficulties of reciprocal comprehension (patient/nurse) to establish the best possible communication.

To understand the child, his reality, the universe of his significances To distinguish the pathological processes of the child’s development.

To understand the adults’ behaviour while referring to their past


The man confronted with the disease: sociocultural influences, interpersonal relations, feelings of the patient, his reactions.

Genetic psychology: various stages of the development of the child (foetal, oral examination, anal, phallic), the psychoaffective, social, cognitive point of view; the shock of the birth, the childbirth and the mother’s actual experience; periods of childhood, adolescence.


ANCELIN SCHUTZENBERGER A., Vouloir guérir: l’aide au malade atteint d’un cancer, Ed. La Méridienne Desclée de Brouwer.

BADINTER E., L’amour en plus, Ed. Flammmarion.

BETTELHEIM B., L’amour ne suffit pas, Ed. Laffont.

DE VILAINE A.M., Un regard plus tranquille, Ed. Laffont

DOLTO F., Lorsque l’enfant paraît. Tout est langage, Le Seuil

HAYDEN T.L., Les enfants des autres. L’enfant qui ne pleurait pas.

KUBLER-ROSS, La mort, dernière étape de la croissance, Ed. Québec.

MUCCHIELLI R., La personnalité de l’enfant, Ed. ESP.

NEILL, Libres enfants de Summerhill, Maspero, 1974.

OLIVIER C., Les enfants de Jocaste, Ed. Denoël et Gonthier.

OSTERRIETH C., Introduction à la psychologie de l’enfant, Ed. Thone.

ROBERTSON, Jeunes enfants à l’hôpital, Ed. Le Centurion.

SCHWARTZENBERG, La société humaine, Ed. Belfond.

ZARIFIAN E., La force de guérir, Ed. Odile Jacob.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

discussions on real life cases

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Test on the reading of a book to choose on a given


Hygiene and care to mother and new-born

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffNELLISSEN, Murielle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of embryology, genetics and physiology of the pregnancy (1st form midwife)

Child care (1st form midwife)

Aims and Objectives

Understand the evolution of the mother's postpartum

Practice the dedicated cares to the newly-delivered woman (eutocia), identify anomalies

Take part to the education for health of the newly-delivered woman and her relatives

Know the characteristics of a new-born (at normal term of pregnancy) and be able to provide adapted cares


Needs and cares of the family after delivery

Physical, physiological and psychological puerperal adaptation of the newly-delivered woman

Normal postpartum of the newly-delivered woman : cares and monitoring

Plan of cares, mother

Characteristics of the newly-born, normal term

Particular cares of the newly-born


- Camus E., Soins infirmiers en maternité et aux personnes atteintes d’affections gynécologiques, Les nouveaux cahiers de l’infirmière 3e édition, n°22, éd. Masson.

 - Wieland P. Ladewig, Marcia L. london, Susan Moberly, Sally B. Olds, Soins infirmiers en périnatalité, 3e édition, ed. ERPI


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

General principles of health and nursing care : in infant care

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)20
Teaching staffBONSANG, Jacqueline
BULFON, Assunta
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of biology, anatomy, V. Henderson’s conceptual pattern

Aims and Objectives

Global knowledge of the healthy child.

Define what action to take and the medical aid to give faced with some usual symptoms.

Establish the nurse’s responsibility in the field of prevention and health education.


The specificity of childhood and the adult/children relationships, the charter of the child’s rights.

Watching and evaluation of the growth and development.

Specific needs at each step of the growth

Intervention and specific techniques:

  • Measure and evaluation of vital parameters
  • Preparation of feeding bottles
  • Taking of faeces, urine, removal
  • Clearing of nose-pharynx
  • Watching and care in case of diarrhoea and vomiting without dehydration, in case of oral thrush, nappy rash
  • Watching, care, drug treatment to feverish child
  • Bath and infant’s care
  • Vaccination and prevention of accidents

GASSIER J., DE SAINT SAUVEUR C., Le guide de la puériculture, Ed. Masson.

C., JORDY, Puériculture pratique, Ed. Masson, Paris, 2èmeéd. 1999.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Theoretical part and exercises on manikin. Individual works and/or in groups in class and /or at home.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Biochemistry, biophysics

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffHONS, Benoît
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of elementary chemistry

Aims and Objectives

To know the chemical composition of the living matter and the transformations undergone by the organic molecules in order to include/understand the molecular mechanisms taught in biology, nutrition, physiology and pathology classes.


Basic notions of general and organic chemistry

Chemical composition of the living matter

Energetic exchanges in a cell

Glucide, lipid and protein metabolisms..


HENNEN G., Biochimie 1ier cycle,Dunod, Paris, 2001.

MOUSSARD C., La biochimie : biochimie structurale et métabolique, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1999.

WEIL J.H., Biochimie générale, Dunod, Paris, 2001.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)25
Teaching staffJOB, Pierre
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic general knowledge of Science, French and Mathematics.

Aims and Objectives

Understanding how a living organism functions, what the characteristics of life are and the mechanisms implied in the living world. To master the concept and organization of an eucaryotic cell as well as its reproduction; and to understand the rules that govern the transmission of hereditary characters.


Molecular biology :

  • Biological macromolecules
  • Protein biosynthesis
  • Regulation of gene expression

Cellular biology :

  • Means of cell study
  • Eucaryotic cell structure

Genetics :

  • Mendel’s laws
  • Mutations and hereditary diseases
  • The living world, organization, taxonomy, notion of species



CAMPBELL , Biologie, Ed. De Boeck, 1995.

DE DUVE C., Une visite guidée de la cellule vivante, De Boeck Université, 1987.

PRESCOTT, HARLEY, KLEIN, Microbiologie, Ed. De Boeck, 1995.

Revues “ Pour la Science” et “Biofutur”: divers articles.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

Anatomy, physiology

ECTS Credits6
Number of Hours (h/year)50
Teaching staffLENTZ, Gerda
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

God knowledge in science and in French

Aims and Objectives

To know the anatomy and the physiology of the human body in good health, to understand the modifications generated by the disease, on the level of the structure of the organs and of their functioning.

To develop various aptitudes necessary to the exercise of the profession and to the communication within a multi-field team or a research team


1st part : human body organization

Cellular and tissular organization

Human body general organization– bodily cavities

The locomotor system

The skin

2nd part : structure of internal organs and functioning

Cardiovascular system and lymphatic system

Respiratory system

Urinary system

Digestive system and annex glands

3rd part : regulation system and relation life

Nervous system

Endocrine system


MARIEB, Anatomie et physiologie humaines, Pearson Education 2005.

BROOKER, Le corps humain. Etude, structure et fonction. Le rôle infirmier dans la pratique. Ed. De Boeck Université, 2001.

TORTORA et GRABOWSKI, Principes d’anatomie et de physiologie, Ed. De Boeck Université, 1994.


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Nutrition and dietetics

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffde HAAS, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of biochemistry and general anatomy.

Rule of three and percentages.

Aims and Objectives

To define the nutritional needs and to adapt the basis of food balance of different groups of healthy individuals : children, teenagers, pregnant and lactating women and elderly people.


1st part:

Energizing needs

Needs in proteins

Needs in lipids

Needs in carbohydrates

Needs in water

Needs in mineral salts

Needs in vitamins

2nd part :

Food groups and food balance.

Food intake of the newborn child, the child, the teenager, the adult, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly people.


AMBROISE M., nutritioApports nnels conseillés pour la population française, 2001.

CONSEIL NATIONAL DE LA NUTRITION : Recommandations nutritionnelles pour la Belgique, 2009.

COMELADE E., Technologie des aliments et hygiène alimentaire, 1989.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

General pathology

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDETHIER, Marc
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of anatomy, of physiology, biochemistry, biology and immunology

Aims and Objectives
  • To know and understand the biochemical and physiological processes of the organism in order to explain certain pathological processes
  • To develop a scientific reasoning on the basis of anatomical and physiological knowledge.
  • To understand the mechanisms of the outbreak of the diseases in order to understand its symptoms and the prevention of the complications
  1. Blood: composition, functions and characteristics
  2. Haemoglobin and the respiratory function
  3. The hemostasis : mechanism, means of investigation.
  4. Definition and composition of the various compartments
  5. Acid-base balance
  6. Inflammatory, immunologic, allergic reactions
  • Silbernagl S. et Despopoulos A., 2004. Atlas de poche de physiologie. Troisième Edition. Flammarion, 436 p.
  • Silbernagl S. et Despopoulos A., 2006. Atlas de poche de physiopathologie. Troisième Edition. Flammarion, 406 p.
  • Ross et Wilson, 2004. Anatomie et physiologie normales et pathologiques, Maloine, 484 p.
Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffRICHARD, Marie-Joëlle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of biology and anatomy

Aims and Objectives

Knowledge about

- characteristics, organization and modes of transmission of micro-organisms ;

- the various ways of struggle versus the micro-organisms ;

- the various ways of defence of our organism.


History and field of microbiology.


Parasites and parasitical diseases.

Virology and viral diseases.

Bacteriology and bacterial diseases.

Struggle versus the micro-organisms (disinfectants, antiseptics).


AVRIL J.L., Dictionnaire pratique de bactériologie clinique, Beecham-Sévigné, 1991.

BOUREE P., Aide-mémoire de parasitologie, Flammarion, 1994.

GARNIER-DELAMARE, Dictionnaire des termes de médecine, Maloine (ouvrage périodiquement actualisé)

LARPENT J.P., LARPENT-GOURGAUD M., Eléments de microbiologie, Hermann, 1985.

REGNAULT Jean-Pierre, Immunologie générale, CCDMD – Décarie Editeur – Québec, 1995.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Notions of embryology, genetics and physiology of pregnancy

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffNELLISSEN, Murielle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Anatomy and physiology

Aims and Objectives

To know and control the concepts of menstrual cycle (hormonology), puberty, menopause, contraception, new-born baby at birth, results of confinement, ONE notebook.

Elementary notions of human and genetic embryology: ante-native diagnosis, hereditary malformations


Menstrual cycle


Contraceptive methods.


Foetal annex.

Diagnostic of pregnancy.

The maternal adaptations

Hormonology of the pregnancy.

Clinical monitoring of the pregnancy (ONE notebook) .

Hygiene of the pregnancy.

Study of the childbirth.

Embryology: evolution, malformations


- Lansac J., Berger C., Magnin G., Obstétrique pour le praticien, 3e édition 1997, éd. Masson.

- Lansac J., Body G. & al., Pratique de l’accouchement, éd. SIMEP.

-  Merger R., Levy J. & Melchior J., Précis d’obstétrique, éd. Masson.

- Papiernick E., Cabrol D., Pons J.-C., Obstétrique, éd. Flammarion coll. Médecine-Sciences.

- Wieland Ladewig P., London M. L., Brookens Olds S., Soins infirmiers – Maternité et néonatologie, 3e édition, éd. ERPI.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Ergonomics and Manual Handling

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffARNOULD, Cécile
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Basic knowledge of body mechanics.

Aims and Objectives

Through an extensive knowledge of the body scheme and a gestural reflection, to make the nurses-to-be able to move the patients in a safe and non traumatic way for the patients as well as for the caregivers.


General principles of manual handling

Practical study of the 9 movement groups:

  • turning a patient from his stomach to his back/from his back to his stomach by rolling him or pivoting.
  • Moving a patient up ( from a lying to a sitting position)
  • Moving a patient down ( sitting-back/standing-sitting)
  • Translation movements ( while lying/sitting)
  • Sit-up ( back-sitting/sitting-standing)
  • Vertical and horizontal transfers
  • Transporting a patient in a lying position
  • Turning a patient over (“volte”)
  • Lifting the patient : lying on the floor – sitting on the floor, sitting on the table / sitting on the floor – standing.

DOTTE P., Méthode de manutention manuelle des malades. Ergomotricité dans le domaine du soin. Généralité et éducation gestuelle spécifique. Fascicule 1, Ed. Maloine,2007

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Practical activity.

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Emergency and first aid care

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffGOFFARD, Carine
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of anatomy and physiology

Aims and Objectives

To observe and analyse the symptoms, the physical and psychic reactions of the patient. To carry out the emergency care. To carry out the R.C.P. manoeuvres effectively.


Organization of the public helps in Belgium: the cardiorespiratory reanimation

Differentiation of the critical states of the organism : syncope. Behaviour to take in case of cutaneous, osteo-articular, intoxication problems or problems with the circulatory apparatus.



CONSEIL EUROPEEN DE REANIMATION: Manuel de cours pour la "réanimation de base et la défibrillation externe automatique pour les secouristes, 2éme édiction, mai 2006

 HOSMANS, T., MICHEELS, J. , LAMY, M., Premiers Secours, (Liége, édition Céfal), 2007 

Ministères des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publiques et de l'environnement, Administration des Soins de Santé, Secours Sanitaires à la Population Civile: Manuel pour le secouriste-Ambulancier



Teaching and Learning Methods

Theory account, demonstrations and practical exercises on mannequin

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Oral examination and practical activity with mannequin


General nursing care and exercises

ECTS Credits8
Number of Hours (h/year)100
Teaching staffHALLET, Nadia
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To deal with an hospitalised adult customer and doing so within the limits of the theoretical concepts and care seen in class.

To develop aptitudes of analysis and research, to establish links with the other courses and to integrate knowledge.



Study of the needs: 14 needs of V. Henderson

Study of the problems and the diagnoses : hypothermia, reduced mobility, intolerance with the activity, dehydration, risk of deficit of liquid volume, deficit of personal care, to feed, wash the patients, attack of the oral mucous membrane, constipation, ineffective release of the respiratory tracts, risks syndrome of immobility...

Interventions of assistance, monitoring and techniques of care :

  • Hygiene care
  • Administration of drugs: intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, , insulin treatment
  • Measurements of the parameters ( weight, size, pulsation...)
  • Care of wounds and bandages
  • To feed patient through a tube, administration of oxygen, aerosol therapy, respiratory exercises, rectal injections, taking away, prevention of the bedsores

Diagnostics infirmiers, définitions et classification, 2009-2011, NANDA International, Masson.

Potter P. et Pery A., Soins infirmiers, théorie et pratique, Edition du renouveau pédagogique, Québec, 2002

Classification des interventions de soins infirmiers, CISI NIC, Mc Closkey et Gl. M. Bulechek,  Masson, 2e édition, 2000.

Classification des résultats de soins infirmiers, CRSI NOC, M. Johnson et M. Maas, Masson, 1999.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures with practical integration in situations lived in training courses.

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

History and deontology including ethics

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffSONON, Anne-Marie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

Practice the profession in accordance with its legal requirements.

Analyse the behaviour of the nurse practitioner in front of problems related to the individual, the practice of nursing, his peers, his profession.

Acquire a tolerant and open mind, an attitude compatible with the most universal morale.

Understand the attitude that we adopt in front of the disease, the medicine as well as the patient and find these different elements in the study of societies, beliefs and customs.


Introduction, definition of deontology and ethics

Art of healing

Art of Nursing

Reform of the teaching methods of nursing: the process of Bologna

Professional Confidentiality – Moral, civil, professional and legal responsibility

Legislation : patient’s rights


Mémento de l’Art Infirmier, 1996, 2000,2001, Ed. Kluwer, Bruxelles.Code civil belge.Code pénal belge.Loi relative aux droits du patient, 22/08/02, MB 26/09/02.Coordination officieuse de l’AR n° 78 relatif à l’exercice des professions des soins de santé, édition 2002.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures. Homework : text analysis ( law...). Analysis of situations.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations


ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffSTROBBE, Oliva
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know and understand the patient’s and the nurse’s behaviour and the interactions, to established the most adequate relations between them, helping and increasing the standing for both of them. To analyse the difficulties of reciprocal comprehension (patient/nurse) to establish the best possible communication.

To understand the child, his reality, the universe of his significances To distinguish the pathological processes of the child’s development.

To understand the adults’ behaviour while referring to their past


The man confronted with the disease: sociocultural influences, interpersonal relations, feelings of the patient, his reactions.

Genetic psychology: various stages of the development of the child (foetal, oral examination, anal, phallic), the psychoaffective, social, cognitive point of view; the shock of the birth, the childbirth and the mother’s actual experience; periods of childhood, adolescence.


ANCELIN SCHUTZENBERGER A., Vouloir guérir: l’aide au malade atteint d’un cancer, Ed. La Méridienne Desclée de Brouwer.

BADINTER E., L’amour en plus, Ed. Flammmarion.

BETTELHEIM B., L’amour ne suffit pas, Ed. Laffont.

DE VILAINE A.M., Un regard plus tranquille, Ed. Laffont

DOLTO F., Lorsque l’enfant paraît. Tout est langage, Le Seuil

HAYDEN T.L., Les enfants des autres. L’enfant qui ne pleurait pas.

KUBLER-ROSS, La mort, dernière étape de la croissance, Ed. Québec.

MUCCHIELLI R., La personnalité de l’enfant, Ed. ESP.

NEILL, Libres enfants de Summerhill, Maspero, 1974.

OLIVIER C., Les enfants de Jocaste, Ed. Denoël et Gonthier.

OSTERRIETH C., Introduction à la psychologie de l’enfant, Ed. Thone.

ROBERTSON, Jeunes enfants à l’hôpital, Ed. Le Centurion.

SCHWARTZENBERG, La société humaine, Ed. Belfond.

ZARIFIAN E., La force de guérir, Ed. Odile Jacob.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

discussions on real life cases

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Test on the reading of a book to choose on a given


Clinical teaching of nursing, seminars

ECTS Credits8
Number of Hours (h/year)170
Teaching staffCOMPERE, Anne
HAINE, Sandra
Henquet, Caroline
Marquet, Marie-Christine
Meynaert, Christophe
REMY, Céline
ROPET, Viviane
THERER, Hélène
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Course of nursing care of PGSS.and other courses of 1st midwyfe.

Aims and Objectives

To acquire and develop aptitudes of observation, analysis. To acquire capacities to evaluate the problems of the customers and to determine the interventions necessary.

To practise care (within the limits of experience)


The training courses are carried out:

  • in the University Hospital Complex of Sart Tilman (Liege)
  • in the Regional Hospital Complex of the Citadel (Liege)
  • in the Hospital Complex of the Bois de l’Abbaye and Hesbaye ( Seraing)
  • in the Clinic André Renard ( Herstal), in the Clinic of the I.P.A.L.

Distribution of the training courses:

  • minimum 70 hours in general medicine;
  • minimum 70 hours in surgery;
  • maximum 60 hours in geriatrics
  • 30 hours (choice of the establishment).
Teaching and Learning Methods

Training courses in real situations under the supervision of a professor of the Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège and/or by the person in charge for the training course in the establishment.

Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment



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